Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The List

       I start this blog as a twenty-eight year old. I have a cute little apartment. A job I work hard at and for the most part like. My family is as nuts as everyone elses, but I'm learning to love that about them. My friends have scattered across the country after college. Which can be hard at times, but also nice when it's time to take a vacation. I like to do new things, but feel I could be more spontaneous and adventurous. I'm nervous about who I am and where I'm going, just like everyone else.
So here I am, on my own again. Starting a new chapter in my life after going through a very rough patch. What better time then now to challenge myself with a list of things to push my boundaries, make me uncomfortable, and have a little fun.
      Now I have to admit, this is not in original idea. I actually stole this idea from an old friend who is doing the same thing, blog and all. After googling this idea, I found it wasn't an original idea for her either. I guess I'm a little slow with the new trends. But anyway, I think this will be good for me. This list about me and doing things for myself and learning more about myself. I did not put any obscure ideas like getting married, travel the world or win the lottery. I tried to make it realistic and possible to do in my time frame. Which is a little less then two years. (Yes, I am 28 now.) I also included a few back up options just in case a few are impossible because of time or money. I won't chicken out of any, but I am not a millionaire either.
     Why publish this for everyone to read? Well, first I doubt anyone will read it, and second even having a blog is pushing my limits. Normally I am a private person. I don't update my facebook status every hour. I don't have youtube videos of myself falling down stairs. I share on a need to know basis. But since this list is about learning more about myself and pushing myself to do new things, and blogging seemed to fit. So here’s the list and as I complete items I will update you all on my little adventures. It should be fun and I'm sure very interesting.

  1. Study a new language.
  2. Try being a vegetarian for a month.
  3. Skydive
  4. Cook a holiday dinner for family.
  5. Volunteer when I don't have the time.
  6. Sing karaoke solo.
  7. Buy myself a nice piece of jewelery.
  8. Write letters to my family members about how much I love them.
  9. Travel to any foreign country.
  10. Learn to snowboard.
  11. Go white water rafting.
  12. Camp in a tent in the middle of nowhere.
  13. See the pacific ocean.
  14. Give more then I can afford to charity.
  15. Ask a stranger to dance.
  16. Host a dinner party for friends.
  17. Help a stranger.
  18. Attempt to surf.
  19. See a movie alone.
  20. Have a weekend spa retreat with girlfriends.
  21. Take my grandma on vacation.
  22. Make my new apartment feel and look like a home.
  23. Take a self-defense class.
  24. Run a 5k.
  25. Dance in the rain.
  26. Break something on purpose.
  27. Oktoberfest at a brewery.
  28. Go on in all-American road trip.
  29. Dancing lessons.
  30. Visit a winery.
  • Swim with dolphins.
  • Go to a proper brunch
  • Get my makeup professionally done.
  • Try an expensive champagne.
  • Be in a flash mob.
  • Para-sail


  1. Great list! I have no doubt that you'll accomplish everything on it because that's who you are.

    As a side note, I had no idea you were such a great writer. I mean I knew you were smart and funny, but you have a gift to be able to translate smart and funny to paper. Impressive!

    Another side note: you should totally make your road trip to see me in Nashville!

  2. Thank you so much! That really means a lot. Maybe I will be seeing you sometime.
