Now I find nothing wrong with people who go to movies and restaurants by themselves. In fact, I think my friends who do this are very confident and self-assured. Traits that I'm striving for in myself. However, I myself am always worried about how I look to others, and what people are thinking of me. I thought I would worry that people might pity or think strangely of me. But, I put this on my list for a reason. I wanted to have more confidence and be more secure with my own self.
So last Wednesday I planned a date for myself. I marked it in my calendar and even turned down plans with a friend. All this to make some much needed time for myself. It started with a little apartment shopping (working on #22), and then treating myself to some dinner at Panera Bread. I then walked across the street to the large multiplex. My heart was starting to race a little and I felt a little weary asking for a ticket for one, but the man behind the booth didn't seem startled. He took my money, handed me my ticket, and I moved along. I thought, this was easy and not nearly what I worked up in my mind. Still the bigger challenge was up head, sitting in the movie alone. I walked into the theater, of course anxious, found a seat and looked around. Not very crowded, mostly couples and one other byselfer (don't really want to call us loners). I started to relax and really enjoy myself. I mean seriously I had both armrests to myself, got to sit where I wanted, see the movie I wanted, and as a bonus not worry about people talking during the show.
Then as my favorite part started, the previews, two cute boys decided to walk in and sat right in front of me. At first, I felt mortified. Here I am with no friends, sitting by myself in a theater with two cute guys a few feet in front.. They glanced back a couple of times. This only made me feel more insecure and stupid. But I started to think how I was actually having a nice time. Then I realized how stupid and immature I was being and strangely I started to relax. Who cares what they think of me. I was actually having a good afternoon. I had good food, great shopping, and now I was seeing a movie I really wanted to see. I simply stopped caring. Well, honestly, for the most part I stopped caring. I mean there were still two cute boys in front of me who turned around a few times glancing at me (in retrospect, maybe I should have struck up a conversation). All in all, though, I did enjoy myself.
So now I know, spending time with yourself outside of the house not so scary. It can even be fun. Now would I choose to see a movie alone instead of with friends, probably not. I still really enjoy being with other people. Nevertheless, if a movie comes out that no one wants to see, I'm there with one of my favorite friends, myself.
Oh by the way the movie, Black Swan pretty good. A very dark thoughtful movie. If those are your type of movies, go see it. If not, you may want to rent it. Natalie Portman was excellent. So number 19 complete! I had a great date all by myself.
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