Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
George Bernard Shaw

Friday, September 9, 2011

What I Learned About Italy/Italians

1. They complain a it's hot, but never use fans and rarely us AC.
2. You can understand 40% of an Italian conversation by body language alone.
3. Italians are really beatiful people.
4. Eating is very important. Always pack meals not snacks.
5. Their compliments ar wonderful and given whole-heartily.
6. Competition is good!
7. Wine is wonderful!
8. Dinner should always be in courses, with pasta as the first course.
9. Nutella is good on everything: cookies, gelato, fruit, cheese, cake, etc...
10. A whole pizza to yourself if perfecto.
11. Distance for Americans and Italians mean two different things. Italians tells you it's close, just around the corner. Then the American will be walking for thirty minutes and go around four corners to get there.
12. Lunch for a single person or child should always be packed in a medium to large sized cooler not a tiny lunch box.
13. Italian passion, although wonderful and exciting can be dangerous i.e. temper
14. Italians have natural swagger.
15. Italy uses olive oil. America used ketchup, ranch, BBQ, mustard, mayo, miracle whip, etc...

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